Thursday Jan 20, 2022
A finger-prick test can put you on a path to cut age-related disease in half. In this episode, Jane discusses the exciting new lab tests now available to help diagnose and address genetic causes of cognitive decline with biochemist and Vice President of business development Ryan Smith of TruDiagnostics in Lexington, KY.
It’s our biological age that matters, not our chronological one. So, blow out the birthday candles if you wish, but if you want to know how long you’re able to live, you’ll need to measure your biological age. We talk with Ryan Smith, Vice President of Business Development for TruDiagnostic, who shares how their lab can measure your biological age. It’s a fairly pricey test, but in the resources tab below our community has been offered a $50 discount. This is an at-home, do-it-yourself blood test that you mail back. You don’t need a doctor’s order.
The results will also reveal your rate of aging based on your telomeres, methylation markers and indicators of epigenetic cell health. I’ve always been a believer that “if you can measure it, you can change it.” As we explore avenues to slow the disease of aging, knowing one’s biological age can be a marker of the effectiveness of our interventions. Knowing your biological age and rate of aging can be a valuable tool if you’re worried about memory loss, brain fog, or if you have a history of Alzheimer’s in your family. Once you establish this benchmark, you can shoot for a goal of a biological age seven years younger than your chronological age. If you can achieve that, you cut your risk of age-related disease in half! Now that’s a worthy goal!